Want to join our writers in winning big contests and turning your best ball entries into a money-making machine? Shawn Siegele helps explain how to generate win rates more than double the average in this edition of the Best Ball Workshop.
This week I got a chance to talk to one of my favorite structural drafters – and one of my favorite fantasy writers overall – when Denny Carter gave me the chance to answer six interview questions on Zero RB for his readers at NBC Sports.
The main question most readers want to know is simple: How can you consider Zero RB or even Single-Elite-RB when WR is so deep?
That’s a great question to dive into as I prepare for Pat Thorman’s always exciting MFL10 of Death VIII. Despite the overwhelming adoption of best ball within the fantasy community, the format is still one of the easiest to beat. Our best ball tools suite helps you locate myriad inefficiencies that can be exploited.
The tools also help us answer this question about WR depth. Is the position functionally deep? Or is it actually a mirage?